JY1 - King Hussein of Jordan
Good morning to all, so much that I wanted to dedicate a page of my site in memory of Husayn Bin Talal, better known as King Hussein of Jordan, Ham Call JY1, and now i have made it, here follow the story of this connection with JY1, was and is currently one of the most beautiful and exciting QSO ever made, and I keep a fond memory of this QSO, remember his way of working in radio, his deep voice and gentle; it happened on the evening of June 23, 1995, that time I was very active on the radio, that night I was on 20 meters with the antenna pointed at north America, the conditions was pretty good, was on 20 meters moving on exactly 14260, hear a net control (WA3HUP Mrs. Anne A. Crider, tnx) that called for new station right for the net, i take listen on this frequency, I sense that there was a station exceptional in the air, and it was just him JY1, I acted a bit, I try to understand how the net working, partly because I had never taken part in this type of connections, but this time it was really worth it, I feel listening listening but he was very weak with me, what do, I try to turn the antenna east and I hear him very well, the problem was be heard by net control and then be heard by JY1, so I decide to turn the antenna back on north America, for me to listen to from the net control and enter the list, after few call in the pileup i'm able to enter into the net list, at this point i turned the antenna towards the Jordan, hoping that at the time of my call to JY1 the net control could hear me, so I did and everything went well, the QSO has been done regularly, I have to say it was a unique and very exciting at the point shaking and almost my words would not come out as usual, ..... Thanks Majesty .....

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