About Me
Armando Ossola (SK)
Via degli Ossola 7
10070 San Carlo Canavese
Torino, ITALY
I knew Armando since 1962, we worked in the same factory for many years, interested in radio world, since his youth, unfortunately due his job, he never got before the opportunity to get licence before, since 2003 is a member of the ARI - Rivarolo Canavese division, now at the third age, over age 70, at last he got is call as IW1GOA, he very proud about that, all together old and new members, we got July 14 supper meeting to celebrate the new licensed friends, here down some photos of the evening meeting, congratulations to all new licensed IW1GOA Armando, IW1GRP Piero, IW1GDK Giuseppe, thank you for all Armando !